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Recognising Imposter Syndrome

Ali Armishaw • Aug 13, 2021

Imposter Syndrome and how to manage it

Imposter Syndrome is a difficult issue to deal with as many of us that struggle with it are not comfortable in speaking about it.

  • Are you someone who always chooses the hard way to do something?
  • Do you often find that you are not satisfied with what you have achieved?
  • Would you like to be seen in a completely different way by those that know you well?
  • How would you like to feel when you have achieved something you have worked hard for? Does that happen very often?

All these questions come from the fact that we are consistently underplaying our abilities and what it is that we have achieved. Taking the time to recognise our achievements, and to understand how much we contribute is an important first step in helping to overcome the feelings associated with Imposter Syndrome.

In recognising that you may be suffering from the effects of Imposter Syndrome, you can start to make changes by considering some of the following suggestions.

  • Allow yourself the time to reflect on what it is you have achieved. Why did you take the route that you did and how did that have a positive effect on the outcome?


  • Think about where you are on your journey of learning and perhaps where the other person is that you are comparing yourself to. Why are you expecting your journey to be the same as theirs? In what ways have you perhaps overachieved and where could you allow some time to praise yourself?


  • In what ways have you forgotten the ways in which you have achieved all that you have? When was the last time you told your dearest allies of your wonderful achievements and how in doing so, felt the relief and joy at their acknowledgement of your success? Why did you feel that their response would be anything other than a celebration?


If you would like to ask any questions about this topic,  email me using the button below or use the 'book your free taster session now' button to put some time in my diary for a chat.    I look forward to hearing from you.
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